No sítio Jardim do Éden, o escriba Valdemir Mota de Menezes possui algumas árvores de cidra e do fruto desta árvore, aprendeu a fazer doce de cidra ralada.
Como Preparar Doce de Cidra Ralada:
Lave as cidras e seque-as. Rale as cascas na parte fina do ralador, tomando cuidado para não ralar a polpa.
Coloque a cidra ralada em uma tigela, cubra com 1 litro de água e deixe de molho por 3 dias, trocando a água de duas a três vezes por dia.
No quarto dia, escorra a água e coloque a cidra em uma panela. Adicione 1 litro de água, leve ao fogo e cozinhe por 10 minutos, ou até ferver.
Retire do fogo. Forre uma peneira com uma musseline fina, despeje a cidra e deixe escorrer por 1 hora.
Em seguida, esprema bem para eliminar o máximo de líquido.
Reserve. Leve ao fogo uma panela com o açúcar e 1 litro de água e cozinhe, sem parar de mexer, por 10 minutos, ou até ferver.
Junte a cidra e os cravos e cozinhe, mexendo de vez em quando, por mais 50 minutos, ou até a cidra ficar cozida e a calda encorpada.
Retire do fogo e deixe esfriar.
Guarde o doce em um vidro esterelizado com tampa e com capacidade para 1 litro na geladeira ou em temperatura ambiente por até 6 meses.
The gastronomy is the science or the laws governing the stomach, is nothing compared with the functions of this organ, but with regard to food arriving in the human stomach. In each region, climate and culture, the food eaten by humans range of species, quantity and flavor. Record here my studies on the subject and glorify God for the variety of foods that the Yahveh gave. (The Scribe Valdemir Mota de Menezes)
Saturday, October 1, 2011
The Scribe Valdemir Mota de Menezes read the text of Wikipedia to understanding Gastronomy term.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fine food, the principal study of Gastronomy.
Gastronomy is the art or science of good eating[1]. Also, it can be defined as the study of food and culture, with a particular focus on gourmet cuisine. One who is well versed in gastronomy is called a gastronome, while a gastronomist is one who unites theory and practice in the study of gastronomy.[2]
Etymologically, the word "gastronomy" is derived from Ancient Greek γαστήρ (gastér) "stomach", and νόμος (nómos) "laws that govern", and therefore literally means "the art or law of regulating the stomach."[citation needed] The term is purposely all-encompassing: it subsumes all of cooking technique, nutritional facts, food science, and everything that has to do with palatability plus applications of taste and smell as human ingestion of foodstuffs goes.
Gastronomy involves discovering, tasting, experiencing, researching, understanding and writing about food preparation and the sensory qualities of human nutrition as a whole. It also studies how nutrition interfaces with the broader culture. Later on, the application of biological and chemical knowledge to cooking has become known as molecular gastronomy, yet gastronomy covers a much broader, interdisciplinary ground.
The culinary term appears for the first time in a title in a poem by Joseph Berchoux in 1801 , "Gastronomie".[3]
The derivative Gourmet has come into use since the publication of the book by Brillat-Savarin, "The Physiology of Taste". According to Brillat-Savarin: "Gastronomy is the knowledge and understanding of all that relates to man as he eats. Its purpose is to ensure the conservation of men, using the best food possible."[4]
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